Monday, June 4, 2007

Bay to Breakers: lists

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bay to Breakers tomorrow. I love that San Francisco has a drunk run for everyone to participate in. It makes it one of the best cities in the world.

Things to be excited about or things that are totally cool:

- Two kinds of pie that Ryan and I spent the afternoon baking. The plan was originally to spend the morning hiking and the afternoon baking pie. We didn't make it on the hike. That's not to say we didn't get our exercise though. Well. At least the cardio and some varying, challenging calisthenics. It was quite invigorating.

- Cardiovascular and calisthenic exercises. They are so awesome when you have a workout buddy!

- Silly birds, flowers, cocktail umbrellas in our hair plus red sparkly capes. Yay!

- The pies are for a dinner party at Claudia's after Bay to Breakers.

- Ryan is riding his bike to the dinner party from Palo Alto. Because he's awesome.

Things that are lame:

-My being unable to sleep at the moment.

- My friend's excuse for not doing Bay to Breakers (please keep in mind that although I am prone to exaggeration and the occasional fabrication, this is excuse is completely true and required no restructuring or embellishing from me in order to make it more lame than it already is) He hurt his back wearing a kilt that he wore to take his sister to her prom. I guess I would be more willing to take it as a legitimate excuse if he didn't seem to have excuses for everything.

- The same friend's excuse for not coming to dinner tomorrow. He hasn't made it yet and probably won't until a few days after the actual dinner but I'm sure there will be one and that sauce, as they say, will be weak. It will come in the form of an email, subject heading "Hey!" and the first word being "Sorry". If not that then it will be in a text message, by carrier pigeon or telegram, just as long as he doesn't have to talk to me in person about it, thus absolving himself of any need for testicular fortitude.

What a shame that a rare person, one that I genuinely think is a fun person to hang out with is flakier than a hippy on Phish tour.

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