Wednesday, April 20, 2011

NY Times sez "It's fashionable to be rude"

Okay. So I only read the first couple of paragraphs of this article, (because after the first couple of paragraphs it became apparent to me that it was another NYT fake trend piece) but I don't know anyone (and I've lived in Silicon Valley) who thinks it's polite to constantly check ones phone during a conversation unless the phone can provide direct information pertaining to said conversation ("What time did you say we were meeting her?" "I don't remember, let me check what her text message and/or email said."). I don't think people who are texting and emailing and checking facebook while they are talking to me are "wired, well-put-together [people]" - I think they're people who suffer from issues with self-control or a pathological inability to be comfortable in their present situation.


stephanie said...

Ugh. I am personally fed up with this whole damned talkingtextingemailingchattingtwitteringfacebooking obsession.

slartibartfast said...

"I think they're people who suffer from issues with self-control or a pathological inability to be comfortable in their present situation."

Or douchebags. Or NYT reporters. I'm not implying they can't be all four.