I really needed a crochet hook to assist with the thumb making of a certain pair of gloves.
Anyway, we were standing in line when we saw a box containing this:
From the Candlewarmers website:
"From it's inception in December of 2000, Candle Warmers Etc. has dedicated itself to providing to the public a superior and safer way to enjoy scented candles without the need of lighting the candles."
"The only way to use a candle today is to use an Official Candle Warmers, Etc. candle warmer."
The only way to use a candle today is to not use it all, just let it sit around your house gathering dust and occasionally cooking it slightly on a hot plate, thus releasing the scent of sparkling cinnamon loganberry delight, which will almost completely cover the smell of your filthy, filthy house and no one will know that you haven't taken the rubbish out in over 3 months.
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